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12 GPM Salt Free Whole House Water Softening System


Product code: TRG-73915
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Item description

The FilterSmart Salt-Free Water Softener requires no maintenance, wastes no water, and saves you money guaranteed. Finally, put an end to hard water today. Traditional salt-based systems use salt which adds sodium to the water supply. The salt-free water conditioner is the ideal way to treat hard water without the damaging effect of added sodium. The process our salt-free water softener media use water flow to naturally prevent limescale build up. The process takes hard water (calcium and magnesium) and transforms the ions into microscopic nanocrystals. This suspends the particles so that it cannot “stick”” or cause scale while the water travels through. FilterSmart Whole House Salt-Free Softener does not add anything or remove anything from the water, retaining the important naturally occurring minerals, especially calcium and magnesium.

  • Eco-friendly using no salt, sodium or electricity
  • Maintenance free: no lugging heavy salt bags
  • The healthier option that does not add or remove anything from the water, retaining the important naturally occurring minerals
  • Effective reducing hard water buildup on pipes, facets and appliances

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